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Joannah Better Care at Home contact

Rowan Better Care at Home contact

Christchurch Office Hours: 0900-1930 01202 022178
Dorchester: 01305 520 590 / 07949 785 427
  • Caring for people in Dorchester, Weymouth, Broadmayne, Crossways, Bere Regis, Wool and surrounding area.
  • Delivering home care in Bournemouth, Christchurch, Highcliffe, Mudeford and surrounding area.

Corona Virus Statement

Prevention, Policy to help stop the spread of Covid-19

In view of the current concerns regarding the corona virus Better Care will be implementing the following procedures;

  1. All carers will be supplied with a washable face mask, hand sanitiser and a personal stock of alcohol spray.
  2. All carers should wear gloves and masks when entering client’s houses including communal areas.
  1. Hands will be washed for 20 seconds using soap and water on entry to homes.
  2. Clean gloves will then be put on by carers for the duration of personal care tasks.
  3. Before leaving client’s homes, carers will wash hands with soap and water again and the mask   and a new glove will be put on to leave the client’s home.
  1. Carers will clean steering wheels, mobile phones and car door handles with alcohol spray
  2. Carers will ensure they wash their uniforms daily at a temperature of no less than 40 degrees and separate to other items.

Revision to protocol 23/03/2020

  1. Carers will wear disposable face masks for the care of clients, disposing at the end of each visit
  2. Carers will wear an apron for the duration of visit and dispose of before leaving clients homes
  1. Wearing of goggles to deliver care at carer’s discretion
  2. For NW and RB sleeves to be worn

Revision to protocol following new government advice 06/04/2020

All clients to be treated as potentially Covid 19 positive eye protection must be worn